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Digital Citizenship and Cyberbullying: Some Resources that can Help in the Classroom -- Secondary Education Classrooms

Teaching students about digital citizenship is extremely useful, especially in this increasingly global world (Fricker, 2016). When we look at how things are changing, adolescents especially are spending more and more time online and using internet applications rather than personal interactions. As seen in the table below, students are spending a huge amount of time each week on the computer (EDPY 304). In response to this highly technological development in our world, it is our responsibility as teachers to educate our students about how to use the internet safely and appropriately. This involves students learning about cyberbullying. According to the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, "7% of adult Internet users in Canada, age 18 years and older, self-reported having been a victim of cyber-bullying at some point in their life" (Lee & Brotherridge, 2006). As teachers, we should be trying to provide opportunities to alert our students on ways to avoid and/or prevent cyberbullying. Websites, such as Pintrest and Symbaloo are great platforms to look into different ways of sharing and finding fantastic ways to teach and approach the topics of cyberbullying and digital citizenship in the classroom. I made a Pintrest Board on cyberbullying and digital citizenship because I really liked the layout and the user-friendly interface. It is also a very well known platform to use for sharing ideas in the education world! I feel that it will become very useful when I get a job as a teacher. I encourage you to explore my Pinboard linked below which connects you to many different teaching resources aimed towards teaching about cyberbullying and digital citizenship in either junior high or senior high school classrooms! I have pinned my top 5 resources from my Pinboard below (Underneath the screenshot of my Pintrest Board). To access my full Pintrest Pinboard (26 Pinned Items), please click the pink button that says "My PinBoard" seen below.





















































































If you are interested in creating your own Pintrest account, you can sign up by visiting A fantastic video, that was provided to us in class (EDU 210) is embedded here so that you can get help with setting up your account to be as effective as possible. It is embedded below:



















Cormier, D., EDPY 304 Teaching Team. (2015). EDPY 304 Class Notes on Topic 6. University of Alberta. Class Notes.


EDU 210 Teaching Team. (2016). E-Class Class Resources: Videos, Notes and More. 


Fricker, S. (2016). EDU 210 Module 3 Class Notes. University of Alberta. Class Notes. Powerpoint. 


Lee R.T., and Brotheridge C.M. (2006). When prey turns predatory: Workplace bullying as predictor of counteragression / bullying, coping, and well-being. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. Referenced from:  


Pintrest. (2016). Pintrest Website.

Image #2:


The image to the left is a graph estimating the total media exposure that adolescents, between the ages of 8 and 18, are experiencing per week. This reflects the increased time our students are spending on computers and potentially social media. Due to the high amount of time spent online, it highlights the need for teachers to educate students on effective and appropriate digital citizenhsip. 


Image taken from EDPY 304 Class Notes 2015, by Damien Cormier. 

Image #1:


This is a screenshot of my Pintrest Board, in the event that you want to confirm that you have been redirected to the correct page. There are 26 "pins" of resources that I think would be useful when teaching students in secondary school (junior high and senior high school) about cyberbullying and digital citizenship. I encourage you to take a look at these resources, and follow the links to the websites. The websites are full of great infomation! I have selected my top 5 pins below. Please feel free to take a look; they are embedded on this page. 

**PLEASE NOTE: This video does not belong to me. It has simply been embedded into my website from Youtube for educational purposes only. You can link to the youtube video  at:

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